Dear Doctor,
Once again it’s that time of year to renew your contract for the In-Office-Aid Program of the Dayton Dental Society. I would like to express gratitude for all who have so willingly given their time and talents in helping another member. Please read and review carefully the guidelines presented with this letter. Standards of care, equipment and sterilization must meet or exceed Ohio State Dental Board Guidelines.
Fortunately, no members needed this service in 2023. Keep in mind that a health issue or accident could take you out of the office at any time. It is very reassuring to have a built-in insurance plan such as the In-Office-Aid Program. It allows you to use the less expensive 90 day delay on your disability insurance coverage. Please share this In-Office-Aid information with your spouse or significant other and your Office Manager.
Those members who practice GENERAL DENTISTRY in MONTGOMERY, GREENE, PREBLE, and/or CLINTON counties are eligible to participate in the program. You must be prepared on two weeks notice to take time away from your own office to cover another doctor’s office for a half day each month (maximum of three months). Offices served operate three and a half days each week, NOT just Wednesdays and Fridays.
You must also be prepared to cooperate fully with an office in distress when a “call” comes. Any doctor, who does not respond when asked to serve, will NOT be covered in his or her own office until he/she has served at the next opportunity.
PLEASE CAREFULLY REVIEW the below link to the Dayton Dental Society In-Office-Aid Guidelines. The changes and more stringent guidelines are in response to suggestions from our members and exclude planned, elective absences from the office. Hopefully these changes will enhance our nationally recognized program.
If you wish to participate, please sign the contract card and return it to the Administrative Office. The deadline is December 31st. Remember, it is always better to serve than be served!
If you have any questions please contact the Dayton Dental Society office at 937-294-2808 or myself at 937-879-1953. Thank you for your past participation. We need your continued support to maintain the success of this most valuable member benefit.
Cindy Dull, DDS, Chairperson
In-Office-Aid Program
Dayton Dental Society